tiistai 31. elokuuta 2010

Deeper and deeper.

Madonna is never the same. There are many Madonnas in Madonna and a large scale of ways one can categorize Madonna. She is a friend, superstar, mother, benefactor, whore, saint, business woman and so on. I never really understood those fans who told me they preferred Madonna in the 80's. I mean that she is much cooler and more self-confident nowadays. I have always loved Madonna and her productions of the 00's. Madonna looked too messy for my taste in the 80's. Now I have understood that that style was just all about being cool in more ways than one and we are never going to get that Madonna back. It is all different now.

In the beginning of her career she said that money doesn't matter anything to her, it's just all about fame. I believe it was that way when she sang her early recordings. Madonna broke the sexual boundary in media/music business and sang songs that did not really have any deeper meaning. She was living wild and daring. Even though her music was repeating few sentences over and over again the songs were about celebration and having good time. She had great time singing. It's like Michael Jackson - if you have a look at the Human Nature video you can see the joy on his face. Of course Madonna is still enjoying singing her songs, but it was little different in the 80's. She was doing it for fun (and fame?). My opinion is that you can hear the money nowadays even in her music.

I am claiming here that Madonna has become too aware of money these days. If you compare Madonna on her music videos/tours twenty years ago to today you may understand what I mean here. She has become too commercialized. She has plenty of merchandise and you can buy almost everything but Madonna herself. It's all on sale. People have said that she is a true business woman which must be so true. I think it is just sad. She is a huge star.

On allaboutmadonna.com it says that Madonna has been offered a deal of one billion dollars for Vegas residency deal which means five years touring for her in Vegas for an enormous amount of money. This may be a rumor, but it is an interesting one. I can not think of Madonna touring in the same place for that long time even for one billion. She would not take it. The only reason why she could accept it would be the money. Las Vegas is a place for perfect people so she would not endure it. She needs a creative, interesting (and posh) circle around her.

As a conclusion I would like to say that finally I have understood one reason to why people prefer M in the 80's. It may not be the only reason, but the commercialization may have had an effect. I have always been a fan of millenium Madonna, but this money-seeking attitude is getting on my nerves. I am not saying that I do not like Madonna's music in the 00's. I find it groovy, provoking in a good way and exciting. She is a true queen no matter what and she just can't avoid the money. I only wish she wouldn't take too much advantage of it or at least let it show. She is a product, but we don't want to let the money to rule her production, do we? Unfortunately that has happened already... Well the lady loves fame and money. Oh what am I talking about!? I guess I forgot she admits it even herself - the Material Girl :)

perjantai 30. heinäkuuta 2010

I'm not your bitch - don't hang your shit on me.

As you may have seen I have been on a vacation for A WHILE and have not updated my blog. Oh whatever.

Now that I have paid less attention to Madonna on the past few months I have actually moved a lot ahead in my life. I hate the fact that less I pay attention to Madonna more I advance in my own life. I could dedicate my life to Madonna, but that would mean that I would not have anything else than her in my adventures. She has been the reason to why I do certain things for a long time, but now after ten years I have started to think about myself. Is it selfish to think about myself for instance? I guess not. This is what she would want me to do: to make the most of my life. Unfortunately, I am not THAT mad for her that I would give my life to her 100%. Eventually I think there must be very little of fans who do, think, are, listen and act nothing but Madonna.

All this means that from now on I am not thinking about her in the first place. This is painful for me to admit. I have been travelling a lot this summer. I have seen some truly nice Madonna items, but surprisingly I have not felt the inevitable need of buying all that. I feel guilty and disappointed at myself. People then ask me what's wrong with me when I am not buying a magazine only because there's Madonna on its cover. Well... I have started to see things differently. I guess it just would not make a difference whether I buy it or not. Scary, but nowadays it's all about the spirit between Madonna and me. I still go "oh my..." if someone asks me a stupid Madonna question. I still want to keep it all to myself. I still feel guilty not knowing how to dance M's songs. I still walk very proud on the streets knowing that She is my queen. There are none stars who make me feel this honoured and gives me a sort of "big balls"-feeling. Yeah, I still feel like I have the biggest balls on the street when thinking, listening or seeing Madonna. I guess the feeling must be quite mutual among M fans :D

What happened with the "I can spend a month without listening to M's music"? Well, I suppose now having written the previous chapters you may guess I did succeed.

So what is now left with me and Madonna? I got a nice new studying place near to Helsinki and very nice contacts for future. Madonna has been there mentally pushing me to do all this. I could not have done it thinking "I am Madonna, she is me and we are one" so that's why I have to shut that attitude in a box at times. It makes my balls grow too big once in a while and that makes me too self-confident looking bitch. And no one would like to hire a bitch, right? Except if it's Madonna herself.