I wonder why talking about Madonna makes me often so narcissistic that I do not want to share any details with other people. I know that sharing is caring, but... One guy just asked me on the internet what are the best Madonna internet pages I know. I felt like something had squeezed my heart. The reason must be that the guy, who by the way "likes" Madonna, would not ever guess how much pain I have put to find my top 5 Madonna sites. I told him few good sites, and few only. I know I can't own Madonna, but sometimes I let people find the answers by themselves so that I would know if they were serious or not. I don't want my knowledge to get wasted with people who don't really care about the answer. For some reason, I never say that face to face with someone who I consider as that kind of person. I guess you know why.
The atmosphere is incredible when M's concert is about to begin. One thing I didn't like about Jätkäsaari (The West Harbour - the place where Madonna performed in Helsinki) was the light. I think the concert should have started after the sunset, because the whole show started with an intro that was built on screen. The intro didn't look as magnificent as it did in Paris in 2008 when it was all dark. I have never seen Madonna doing a show in sunlight. I wonder why she didn't wait for the sunset, because the Sticky & Sweet show includes plenty of visual effects built on screen. In Paris the beginning was clear as all light got quickly switched off, but in Helsinki I didn't notice immediately what happened.
Madonna has a few juicy merchandise that I have problems with: Hard Candy Special Edition with some candies inside and a Confessions Tour Program with stickers (the picture above). We are discussing on Madonna's official fanclub called Icon about whether to eat the candies or use the stickers or not. On the other hand, I would love to eat all the candies and feel so "sticky and sweet", but then again, I can't, because I collect those items and I don't want the items to be incomplete! I think we have no other choice than buy two copies of HC Special Edition!? I would also love to have one Confessions sticker in my wallet. Unfortunately, the sticker page would look stupid with one missing.
I'm already making plans of how my own house would look like. My mother thinks it's unnecessary to save plastic Madonna bags (those I got from tours / collaborations for H&M). She doesn't like to find those among my clothes in the closet. I would like to put the Confessions and Sticky & Sweet plastic bags on my wall one day as well as more cd's and vinyls. The greatest plan I have is to buy a huge Madonna canvas and put it in my living-room. I'm talking about an artistic canvas, not a low-quality one. I would be so happy in my Madonna cave... I can imagine myself sneaking all around kissing the plastic bags wearing a cone bra. How about that?!
Are you talking about YOUR or OUR apartment...? x) Noo, sama juttu mulla. En mäkään välttämättä kaikkia parhaita kahvisivuja heti kertoisi.
VastaaPoistaThe thing is that I know you wouldn't like to see any plastic bags on OUR wall and that's why I wrote MY house... I will put them on OUR wall one day, don't worry sweetie...